- Responsible procurement
- Zero food waste
- Consciously designed sachet
- Upcycled raw materials
- Energy and water saving technology
- Environmentally friendly secondary packaging
- Compensation for plastic usage
We are committed to minimizing the negative environmental impact from procurement to the delivery of ALLRYS® products. We only use raw materials from sustainable and organic farming.
During the planning of our production
we put a lot of emphasis on a sustainable waste minimization system development. Food waste is not only an economic problem, but also a serious one. It also has an environmentally damaging effect.
ZERO FOOD WASTE we put a lot of emphasis on a sustainable waste minimization system development. Food waste is not only an economic problem, but also a serious one. It also has an environmentally damaging effect.
Did you know that eight out of ten athletes
throw the top of the sachet away
while opening the it?
When designing the ALLRYS® packaging, it was an important aspect for us to eliminate this problem.
CONSCIOUSLY DESIGNED POUCH throw the top of the sachet away
while opening the it?
When designing the ALLRYS® packaging, it was an important aspect for us to eliminate this problem.
We strive to be able to recycle as many raw materials as possible, which have a high intrinsic value. An example of this is the black cane molasses, which is a by-product of the production of sugar from sugar cane, but at the same time it is a high-quality and complete superfood.
Unfortunately, there is currently no packaging technology solution available that would help us make the material of our bags environmentally friendly. Our company compensates unavoidable environmental damage caused during the production and by the disposal of the packaging
in proportion to the effects caused.
COMPENSATION FOR PLASTIC USAGE in proportion to the effects caused.
Our cardboard boxes and space fillers used for mailing are made from recycled paper and are 100% biodegradable.
Nem beszélünk mellé: számunkra vásárlóink öröme és a mindenkori minőség biztosítása után a fenntarthatóság a legfontosabb!
Épp ezért vagyunk olyan büszkék arra, hogy a nemrégiben számunkra megküldött fenntarthatósági szakvélemény cégünket
az A jelű fenntarthatósági kategóriába sorolta, azaz fenntarthatóság szempontjából exportképesre minősítette.
Számos oka van annak, hogy vállalatunk 81,4%-os eredményt ért el az eljárás során, melyből most néhányat nektek is felvillantunk
- Cégünk rendelkezik fenntarthatósági stratégiával,
- a szállításhoz felhasznált valamennyi csomagolóanyag újrahsznosított,
- a cég vezetői elutasítanak mindennemű diszkriminációt és támogatják a társadalmi sokszínűséget;
- a vállalat tudatos lépéseket tesz azért, hogy javítság a dolgozók és a vevők életminőségét,
- a fenntarthatóság a vállalati kultúra részét képezi.